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撰稿人:  來源:科研共進社   發布時間:2024-06-07

1.如何詳細地描述 FT-IR 的實驗結果?

FT-IR analysis was further carried out to verify the conversion of PbO in the reaction process.As shown in Fig. 1B, after reacting with HCHO, several peaks appeared in the spectrum compared with that of fresh PbO. Peaks at 1338 and 1402 cm-1 could be ascribed to the bending vibration of CH2, while those at 2800, 2770, and 2690 cm-1 could be assigned to the stretching vibration of CH2. Compared with typical CH2 bands (1350, 1465 and 2853, 2926 cm-1), all these bands were red-shifted, suggesting that CH2 groups were substituted with electrondonating groups.

參考文獻:Chem. Commun., 2014, 50(48): 6316-6318


為什么做這個表征:FT-IR analysis was further carried out to verify __in the reaction process.

有哪些紅外峰,來源于什么官能團:As shown in , 經過什么處理, several peaks appeared in the spectrum compared with that of __(紅外譜圖發生了哪些變化). Peaks at 峰位置 and峰位置 cm-1 could be ascribed to the bending vibration of官能團, while those at 峰位置 , 峰位置 ,and 峰位置 cm-1 could be assigned to the stretching vibration of 官能團.

得到了哪些信息,說明了什么問題:Compared with typical CH2 bands, all these bands were red-shifted, suggesting that __ were substituted with electrondonating groups.


A. 指派型藍色部分為寫作模板

Figure 1b represents the characteristic peaks of PANI and PSS. The peak at 823 cm–1 results from (也可以換成 is caused by) the out-of-plane bending vibration of C–H on para-disubstituted rings, and the stretching vibration of the C-C quinonoid ring appears at 1128 cm–1. The peaks at 1487 cm–1 and 1299 cm–1 are ascribed (也可以換成designated, attributed) to the stretching vibration of the C-C benzenoid ring and the stretching vibration of C–N at 1299 cm–1,respectively. In addition, the characteristic peaks of PSS also appear at 1184 cm–1and 1042 cm–1, which demonstrates the successful polymerization of the PANI–PSS nanoparticles.

參考文獻:Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 1772–1775

常見的用于指派的詞:result/originate from,be caused by, be ascribed/ designated/ attributed to, appears at等。

B. FT-IR 作為佐證手段


1. The reduction of the oxygen-containing groups in GO by L-AA was also confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. As shown in Fig. 2a, after 48 h reduction of the GO with L-AA, the intensities of the FT-IR peaks corresponding to the oxygen functionalities, such as the C=O stretching vibration peak at 1726 cm?1,the vibration and deformation peaks of O–H groups at 3395cm?1 and 1410 cm?1, respectively, the C–O (epoxy) stretching vibration peak at 1226cm?1,and the C–O (alkoxy) stretching peak at 1052 cm?1 decreased dramatically, and some of them disappeared entirely.These observations confirmed that most oxygen functionalities in the GO were removed.

參考文獻:Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 1112-1114

2. Upon treatment with phenyl isocyanate, the C=O stretching vibration at 1733 cm?1 in GO becomes obscured by the appearance of a stronger absorption at 1703 cm?1 that can be attributed to thecarbonyl stretching vibration of the carbamate esters of the surface hydroxyls in iGO. The new stretch at 1646 cm?1 can be assigned to an amide carbonyl-stretching mode (the so-called Amide I vibrational stretch). The new band at 1543 cm?1 can originate from either amides or carbamate esters and corresponds to the coupling of the C–N stretching vibration with the CHN deformation vibration (the so-called Amide II vibration). Significantly, the FT-IR spectra of iGOs do not contain signals associated with the isocyanate group (2275–2263 cm?1), indicating that the treatment of GO with phenyl isocyanate results in chemical reactions and not mere absorption/intercalation of the organic isocyanate.(參考文獻:Carbon 2006, 44, 3342–3347)


1) Upon treatment with經過什么處理, the C=O stretching vibration at 紅外具體峰位置 cm?1 in 樣品 發生了某種變化 that can be attributed to 原因是什么.

2) The new stretch at 新峰的位置 cm?1 can be assigned to 可以歸屬于某個振動類型

3) the FT-IR spectra of樣品do not contain signals associated with the某種官能團 (2275–2263 cm?1), indicating that 說明了啥 。

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